Monthly Archives: June 2013

MUMPS.NET for Dummies

A while ago I decided to take a look at ASP.NET, so I bought a book called ASP.NET for Dummies (ISBN 0764508660).

I did not particularly care which ASP.NET language I used, I was more interested in how .NET worked in an internet browser.

I read the book, did one or two examples and then proceeded to have a go at changing some of the books VB.NET code to connect to a MUMPS database.

I modified the Classy Classified example that’s in chapters 18, 19 and 21 to read or write to a MUMPS DB using an assembly which I wrote in C#.

The software uses MSM Activate to communicate with Cache, therefore you’ll need to make sure that Activate is configured before running the MUMPS Classifieds web application.

To configure MSM Activate all you’ll need to do is to right click on the Cache cube which sits in the windows system tray, click on the Management Portal >> Security >> Services >> %Service MSMActivate, and then finally click on the “Service Enabled” check box >> Save.

The Classy Classified VB ASP.NET code was compiled using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, which isĀ free to download.

Use the %RI and %GI utilities in a cache terminal window to restore the MUMPS routine and global attached to this blog.

The VB.NET code connects to a namespace called PAU, you’ll obviously need to change the connection details in the VB code if you restore the routine and global into a different namespace.

Click on the MUMPS.Net for Dummies link in order to download the code.


MUMPS.Net for Dummies
