Monthly Archives: November 2015

How to implement an Intersystems Cache/Angular JS app, in less than 10 minutes!

Download and install TryCache from

Create a new namespace called ANG.

Download the code by clicking on the code link at the bottom of this blog.

Use %GIF in a Cache Terminal window to restore the globals (J2.phonecat.GOF & JPHONE.GOF).

Import CacheCode.xml using Cache Studio.

Unzip the Angular JS code (angular-phonecat.7z) to C:\TEMP\angular-phonecat\.

You may need to modify a couple of lines of code in controllers.js, to reflect the web port in your Cache instance (the Angular JS code is currently using 57773).

Launch the Management Portal, and add two Web Applications,
System Administration >> Security >> Applications >> Web Applications



Make sure each Web Application has an Application Role of %All.

Launch a browser and navigate to (57773 is the web port my local system is listening on),


All the Angular JS code has been taken from the official Angular tuitorial, which can be found at
